How to Bathhouse With @captainbarto

Adam, aka @captainbarto, grew up with water as an elemental inspiration and escape. Working in front of and behind the lens as both a model and photographer, sand and sea are themes often presented in his fluid, free-spirited work. We caught up with Adam during a bathhouse session to talk about his personal wellness practices and where he’s focusing his creative energies at the moment.

adam bartoshesky model and photographer at bathhouse new york

Hey Adam, thanks for bathhousing with us. Please introduce yourself.

Hey, I'm Adam, most people call me Barto. My main passions are surfing, film photography, storytelling, and design. My work is mostly a mix of photography and modeling for fashion and lifestyle brands. I grew up in a small country town in Maryland, by the sea. I studied marketing in college, then lived in LA for four years, then moved to NYC nearly two years ago. I like moving fast, and slow -- equally.

adam bartoshesky new york bathhouse guest

What's your go-to circuit in the bathhouse?

Warm up in the neutral pool, increase the temp with the hot pool, then dry sauna, steam room, tropical sauna, cold pool for at least a few minutes, then finish with the hot pool to bring your temp back up.

Why is bathhousing a part of your wellness routine?

Hot and cold is good for you, and makes you feel good!

adam bartoshesky new york thermal pool facility

If you could bathhouse with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be?

Brigitte Bardot in 1971.

Any favorite treatment?

So far I have tried the Scrub and it was great both times.

What are your other favorite wellness practices?

Lemon water with a dash of pink salt as soon as I wake up followed by a short breathing exercise. I try to surf at least once a week when at home in New York City. I bike and skate almost everyday, then I'll fill in the cracks with some random body weight workouts.

bathhouse for models and photographers for stress relief

If you could make a bathhouse playlist, what is one track that would be an absolute must?

Nice 'n' Easy by Frank Sinatra.

Tell us what you've been working on lately. Any fun projects coming up?

Work has been busy. Besides that I am constantly taking photos, I have been writing a lot, poetry and things if you will. Two big goals for this year are to have my first photography exhibition and to release a photo book of sorts. I'm becoming increasingly interested in the film world.


How to Bathhouse With @rachmartino


How to Sauna