How to Bathhouse With @rachmartino

In our “always on” culture, time to recharge is not only necessary, but integral to being your top-form self. Sometimes, the most productive thing you can do is take a break. Frequent bathhouser Rachel Martino, aka @rachmartino, took a morning to chat with us about her favorite bathhouse circuit while being a busy NYC lifestyle blogger.

rachel martino visits new york bathhouse to relax

Hey Rachel! What's your go-to circuit in the bathhouse?

I absolutely love the massages at Bathhouse. The massage therapists are excellent. After a massage I love to spend some time in the temperate water, then hop in the sauna, then force myself to do a quick dunk in the cold pool! Then lots of chilling in the hot tub and afterwards I love getting a glass of wine on the patio. The German Rosé is delicious in the summer!

Why is bathhousing a part of your wellness routine?

It’s somewhere I can totally disconnect. No phone, just enjoying time alone or reconnecting with friends.

If you could bathhouse with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be?

Marilyn Monroe.

rachel martino  bathhouse locker room in new york

Any favorite treatment?

A Full-Body Massage.

What are your other favorite wellness practices?

Fitness is really important to me and I love to honor my body by getting a good sweat in!

If you could make a bathhouse playlist, what is one track that would be an absolute must?

Exile by Taylor Swift.

Tell us what you've been working on lately. Any fun projects coming up?

I’ve been renovating my apartment and it’s almost complete!! I moved into an incredible live/work loft about a year ago and it’s been such an exciting process.

Keep up with Rachel’s loft design progress on her Instagram.


How to Bathhouse With @jules_horn


How to Bathhouse With @captainbarto