How to Cold Plunge

There’s a certain thrill of going from a 200°F sauna straight into a 52°F cold plunge. Experienced bathhousers who know and love the cold plunge crave its invigorating bliss, and yet it can strike fear into the hearts of the uninitiated.

As Bathhouse Co-Founder and martial artist Garrett says, “The goal is to get as hot as you can for as long as you can and then get as cold as you can for as long as you can. With this philosophy, there is no wrong way to bathhouse.” Below, our tips on how to get the most out of your cold plunge.


  1. Start with 15 minutes in a sauna or steam room, or three minutes in a hot pool.

  2. Emotionally commit to one minute (or more) in the cold plunge.*

  3. Get in the cold plunge. All the way in. Check the clock to time your plunge.

  4. Control your breathing. Focus on your inhales and exhales. Try a “body scan” to fully be in the experience. Pro tip: lean against the wall of the pool with the water line above your shoulders.

  5. Congratulate yourself for completing a successful plunge! You can do hard things.

  6. Wade into the neutral pool to bring your body temperature back up slowly.

  7. Repeat. Work yourself up to three minutes or more in the cold plunge.

*Current Bathhouse Cold Plunge Record: 55 minutes!

Thermal Pools at Bathhouse

Records of cold plunging date back thousands of years, and for good reason. This time-honored practice has some powerhouse health and wellness benefits.

Benefits of the Cold Plunge


Cold plunging calms muscle inflammation and speeds up recovery, allowing the body to heal faster. The cool temperature constricts the blood vessels and reduces swelling. Pairing cold and hot reduces soreness and muscle fatigue. Rally for your next training session faster by incorporating cold plunges as part of your recovery routine.


Taking a dip in cold water improves lymphatic and immune systems, which rids the body of waste and strengthens immune cells.

Mental Health

Cold water triggers a rush of mood-boosting neurotransmitters, which make you feel happy. Regular use of the cold plunge can help with stress management.


The cold plunge burns fat. Why? The body requires a huge amount of caloric burn to heat itself back up.

Skin and Hair

Cold water helps bring a healthy glow by reducing the size of your pores and tightening the skin. Cold plunging leaves skin and hair balanced and healthy because it stimulates hair follicles, increasing hair thickness and length.

Cold Tolerance

If you’re especially sensitive to cold weather, try taking regular dips in the cold plunge to gradually increase your cold tolerance over time.

Ready to take the plunge? Book your visit or check out our blog post on some Bathhouse circuits that utilize the cold plunge.


How to Bathhouse With @lynnkimdo


What Is a Bathhouse?